
What is Asbestos

Naturally occurring fibrous minerals that are resistant to heat and corrosion. Because of these properties, it has been used in residential and commercial building materials. Many health dangers found as a result of its usage. Asbestos is considered a serious health and safety hazard.

Asbestos in homes and buildings

Asbestos can be found in floor tile, roofing, ceiling tiles, joint compound, drywall, insulation to name a few in and around properties. If you are carrying out renovations or restorations, then asbestos testing is critical to make sure you don’t disturb fibers that could pose a health risk.

Testing for Asbestos

Asbestos fibers is a major problem if it becomes airborne. When building materials are damaged or disturbed, asbestos fibers will end up being released in to the air. Testing for asbestos will help prevent this. Asbestos sampling should be done by a professional asbestos testing company protecting yourself from exposure.

Asbestos Health Risks

Breathing asbestos can cause tiny fibers to get stuck in the lungs and irritate lung issues. Scientific studies have shown the following diseases can be caused, asbestosis, mesothelioma, pleural disease, lung cancer, and more unfortunately.